Ways to avoid stress.

According to professional stress consultants, the first step to beat stress is cut down on the caffeine. It keeps people on an emotional roller-coaster as they lurch from caffeine hit to caffeine hit. Instead drink lots of water.

  • For instant relief, keep a small bottle of famous stress-beaters such as lavender essential oil and use them when the going gets tough.
  • Learning to breath properly. When we are stressed, we often hold out breath. Deep breathing is essential. Close your eyes and switch off for a minute, breathing deeply and calmly while you focus on yourself.
  • Learn to say 'NO'. Practise "no", a word that women especially, seem to have trouble articulating.'
  • Keep an uncluttered environment. An untidy work space makes you feel like your mind's cluttered and leads to a feeling of lack of control. spending just a few minutes each day sorting, filing throwing things away can clear your head and send stress levels plummeting. Don't react so impulsively.
  • Don't watch the news. Bad and distressing events on the news often makes you feel stressed and helpless. Read a book instead.
  • Get enough sleep. A priority. Stress and insomnia can be a vicious circle but if yo learn some end-of-day wind-down techniques that will help you to sleep better, you are likely to find your stress level improves enormously.

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