
How you react when you're introduced and how you introduce others say a lot about your image. Whether you're the polished career woman on the go or someone who doesn't know the social graces. Memorize these tips and introduce others like a pro! Don't use first names unless the person introduces herself using the first name as in "I'm James." If a senior person addresses you by yours, don't assume you're on a first name basis. Most foreigners frown on being called by their first name.

It is wiser to admit that you have forgotten the name than to call the person by the wrong name. Simply say. "Forgive me, I've forgotten your name. Introduce junior executives to seniors and younger people to older as in Mr. Mathew, this is my assistant, Nicole Baker. Nicole, this is Mr. Mathew, our Managing Director."

When you meet a friend while you're with your colleagues, it's rude to carry on a conversation with her while others stand around doing nothing. Introduce her to the group by saying something like, "I'll like to introduce my colleagues, Mary Brown and George Long. This is Christina Lee. We studied in Harvard together and she is a research manager with an advertising company. When being introduced to someone, always rise ( if you're seated) smile, give your name if necessary and offer your hand. Give a firm handshake, wimpy handshake denotes insecurity.

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