Making A Million

Many of us dream of having a million bucks in the bank. We wonder how some people seem to achieve it quite simply.

Well, the Dreamer's Guide to Becoming A millionaire by James Matthison lists five ways to increase your chances of becoming super-rich.

  1. Mix with rich people. Most millionaires get tips form others on how to make cash. remember the movie Sabirna? Her father, the chauffeur, made millions by picking up tips from his employer.
  2. Save some money. That is the basis of making money. You need money to make more money.
  3. Know your way around personal finance and the money market. If you don't know the difference between a fixed deposit and a current account, you'll never make money.
  4. Be willing to gamble. Know which collectibles make money. Modern paintings, sculptures and hand-woven silk carpets do. Jewelery doesn't.

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