Positive thinking

While affirmation is self-talk to make you feel good, positive thinking is as process where you train yourself to look at things in a positive way. if our thoughts are positive, they will be a precursor to positive feelings and actions. But there are times when our feelings are down because we have not maintained positive actions and as such, no matter how much we chant to our selves,"think positive', it will not necessarily help bring positive feelings.

Make it a habit to accomplish or participate in at least one activity which you really enjoy and want to do. It could be anything, whether a telephone conversation with a girlfriend or gardening. such an activity triggers off good feelings which become a catalyst to telling yourself in your thoughts that 'I feel wonderful" and as such, a chain reaction is created.

Once you start feeling positive and doing positive actions, you will be able to look at the good points of others. Instead of complaining that your boss is fussy, you could perhaps look at it another way and say that he is a perfectionist and working under him has taught you to aim for high standards. Once you start looking at the good in others, you become a positive power point.
People usually like to be around those who emit a lot of positive feelings. It makes them feel good. But if you act as though you are the prophet of doom, people will start avoiding you.

If you are the type who finds it hard to see the good in others, try this simple exercise. Start a 'good rumor campaign' where you make it a point to say something nice about the people around you at least twice a week. Once you start this, you will find that it becomes easier to see the good in others.

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