Setting goals

Every time you open any book on self-improvement, everyone emphasizes, everyone emphasizes the importance of having goals. A survey done in the United States showed that the top three percent of successful businessmen and corporate executives had their goals written down.

Five to 10 per cent had a rough idea of what they wanted, whereas the rest never had any goals and just went along with the tide. We have at one time or other set goals for ourselves too. When we were young, many of us probably wanted to be a doctor or lawyer or live in a big house with 10 servants. I remember that I wanted to be a famous actor when I was young. So what happened to us now? We set our goals but never did anything to make them come true.

According to expert, setting goals is not just a matter of thinking what we want to become or do. It is about planning and working towards making those goals come true. Write down your goals on a piece of paper and examine them. Bear two things in mind when you write your goals; are they really necessary? (Do you really need 10 servants) Once you start putting them on paper you'll be surprised how many of them aren't important.

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