Achieving your goals - part 2

If you've never made goals in your life, it's not too late? If you find that you can never stick to long-term planning, start training yourself in short term planning. It could be as simple as assigning yourself one or two tasks that you have to do everyday and jot it down in your diary. Make sure you achieve it! Jot down little details like the steps you took and the time taken to accomplish the tasks. Little accomplishments like these will be strong incentives for you to go to other things.

Perhaps you can plan for two weeks in advance and then gradually increase it until you've become quite an expert at planning for a whole year! Review your goals constantly. If you've been unsuccessful in some, it doesn't mean you're a failure. it could be because the goals were too ambitious and the time set was too short.

Redefine your goals and start all over again. Write you goals in a small card and carry it with you so that you'll be sure to see it everyday. Being constantly reminded of them will spur you to work harder to achieve the goals. Also remember that once you've decide, start working towards them from today and don't wait for tomorrow!

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