
Try to avoid comparisons. Just because the ladies you know look slim, beautiful and driving the Mercedes Benz or the latest Lexus doesn't mean their life is happy. It's a mistake to think everything would be better if only you were someone else. "This brings about a constant internal battle between our desires and our frustrations at not getting them" says Frank Faller in his best-selling book Re-Create Yourself. "but the open person knows that status is fragile, whereas human potential is limitless." In short, everyone has individual talents and you're no exception.

Write down a realistic wish-list of personal and life desires, which includes short-term, medium and long-range goals. Your list might say anything from "Get in shape" to "Go on holiday".Pick a few goals to focus on and divide them into sub-tasks. Under "getting in shape" you might write "jog for half an hour three times a week". Under "Go on holiday" you might suggest "dropping into a travel agent to pick up brochures".Make each goal as detailed and specific as you can and set time frames, so you feel motivated to get moving.Once you're on the way to fulfilling your own dreams, you'll no longer find yourself paling in comparison to everyone else.

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