The goodness of Procrastination

"Procrastinator!" is the mud ball we throw at people who put off doing what we want them to do when we want them to do it.

It may be time to put in a good word for procrastination. How many deeds would not be better left undone? The bureaucrat, for instance, who never procrastinates - who punctually grinds out the memos and fills out the forms , can become a minor menace to the world and to himself.

Delay , the blinking yellow light is about all that gets us through the literal and figurative intersections of daily life. Procrastination is an accommodation necessary in a crowded world.

Delay from going to war, Delay the criticism of each other is another good thing about procrastination.

So if, like that professional procrastinator Thoreau, you choose "to front only the essential facts of life." we say more power to you and never mind the neighbors at least until tomorrow.

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